Quite a few years ago, Liz Parsons, another cat rescue friend, came to me and asked if we could take a relatively friendly big tabby boy who she hoped one day to take home. He was in a trap, and rather than being friendly, appeared really aggressive. To be honest, I was very worried about letting him out of the trap! Well, I decided to open it and what a difference! Such a lovely big boy who was so different once released. Totally cross eyed, Romeo took a while to become settled with all the volunteers, but he became a real favourite with so many.
Then one day around 3 years ago his dreams came true! Holly, a volunteer at the time, introduced him to her partner Aaron who totally fell in love! He was adopted by him and given the best of everything! It took a couple of months, but slowly he became use to his new home, only at night coming out into the main part of the house from his little safe spot, until eventually he started snuggling on the bed and smooching.
It’s so lovely to see photos of him lazing on the rug in front of the fire, on the bed or cruising on the desk! It goes without saying that our gorgeous Romeo has taken over! Such a happy outcome for our boy!